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Sunday 17 September 2017

Balanced Love - Trogoautoegocrat - (1957)

Just Wanting to Be Loved

This is us when we just want to be loved and we only care about how much, how often and how we are loved!

A pig (sorry) and we may be very pretty or handsome and athletic, well bred, well mannered, polite etc. But internally we harbour an ugly spoilt pig like attitude.

Just Loving

If we just give love and more love we end up tired, disappointed and disillusioned perhaps, but in the end - burnt out. We end up like this a burnt out match:

Nearly Happened to the Sun

This is what nearly happened to the solar sacred absolute sun where it was autoegocratic, meaning it would just give and give, though in doing that it ran into the danger of being exhausted and dying. So something had to be done and hence came into effect the law of reciprocity or the reciprocal nourishing of all things.

Because of this law, our sun like all the other suns is Trogoautoegocatic, meaning each sun gives to their solar systems and receives energy back from what they give, thus they are able to sustain and maintain themselves in their giving and support of the solar system.

Balanced: Give and Receive Love

From the above esoteric history lesson from Master Samael, we have to receive love to nourish ourselves and maintain ourselves. Just as does our Sun, if not we will end up in danger just as the sun was that many remote eons ago.

You may not receive love from human beings but we have to receive something and in this case we have to know how we can receive love form other sources: physical and esoteric. See the Conclusion section for more info and ideas.

Even-though, we have to receive love so to nourish ourselves we must not make our giving of love dependent on the love that we receive.

I would say though that the sun gives more than it receives and so we we must be on that side as well. A happy person is usually on that side and remains balanced in that side. Remember balance is to chose a side and then seek the balance of the chosen side, and the side of the sun is to give more than to receive.

This is us when we are balanced, a beautiful sun:

Conclusion - Learn from the Sun

We have to learn a lesson from our Sun and be like our Sun, give love, energy, force, support, good will, money, physical things etc., and then nourish ourselves with love, energy, vitality, wisdom, light etc, from our own Being, from nature, from esoteric sources (they are available to advanced students), from time talking with friends, giving classes about Gnosis etc.   

End (1957).

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