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Tuesday 12 September 2017

Ego Lives in Ideals - (1941)

Seen the Ideals in Action?

Have you seen that about your “I’s”? That they live in ideals?

As soon as we take those ideals away and merge with reality the ego that has all these ideals weakens like considerably.

“This should be”, “That should happen”, “That should not happen”, etc. many illusions are ideals, “you should love me”, “they should like me more than they like her”, “that should not be allowed to happen”, “people can’t do that to me”, “the perfect body”, “the perfect result”, “perfect behaviour”, “saying the perfectly right things”, “perfect no mistakes”, “irreproachable”, “invincible”, “invulnerable” etc.

Illusions and Lust

Illusions are ideals and many egos specialise in only seeing illusions. Lust is definitely one of those egos.

A strong driving force in lust is the feeling of the illusion. When people “go out on the town”, illusions abound. A pretty lady, all made-up, a handsome, dashing man etc. are illusions. They human beings with egos, that get sick, angry, tired, upset, wrinkled, old and die. They look pretty or handsome but that is not all they are. The illusion is to only see that and to get very fascinated and emotional about that.

End (1941).

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