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Friday 15 September 2017

Have an Issue that the Ego is Ruminating On? Then Use Will, Imagination and Trust to Solve it! - (1952)

Function of the Ego is to Provide a Solution

One function of the ego, perhaps its main function is to provide a solution to an issue that we have.
All the egos are answers to life. And all of them are conditioned to produce some sort of an answer to the events and issues of life.

However, the solutions they provide bring trouble, more complications and difficult consequences. In short they are really not the right instruments to use to solve the issue.

However, the solution that drops out of our consciousness is the best one always. The trick is how to get to that solution or more importantly how to implement it.

Solutions Solutions

There are a few broad classes of solutions. The ego’s way is to go outside, manipulate, control and get things moved physically.

The solutions of the consciousness are to: one - learn to deal with the situation by adapting internally (change nothing, cope with it, accept it and be happy by dying psychologically), two – surrendering it for our inner Being to solve (trust and allowing the Law to function), three – to get what the ego is trying to get but through ethical, correct and esoteric means.

Chose One

Anyone that we chose we need will, imagination and trust to implement the solution. Implementing such a solution hinges on the mother of all virtue – patience.


Will: to decide and to pursue the new way of obtaining the solution.


Trust: to go to the inner Being in us and say I side with you and trust in your ways and in your solution as the being the best for me. I trust in the happiness that I will feel in you and from your solution.


Imagination: to see that we can do it, that it can be done and how much better it will be. Imagination to open up our mind to the possibilities.

Conclusion – We Keep the Ego Because it is Useful to Solve Things

The main message is to seek the work and the consciousness as a way to solve things where previously the ego had been used. This way we can teach our free essence that we don’t need the ego and when we stop using it will get weaker and weaker and we will come to be more and more on the side of our inner Being.

The reason why we keep the ego resides entirely in this point. The reason is that we see the ego as very useful and when we stop seeing it useful we will drop the ego and its dissolution is made easier and easier.

End (1952).

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