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Monday 11 September 2017

How Does a Value Lose Equilibrium? - (1939)

Answer: By Losing Contact with Reality

A general rule is that as soon as a virtue or a value that a person has, begins to lose contact with reality, that is, with the way things are in this world, that virtue or value begins to lose balance and deviates, and becomes either a fanatically upheld ideal or a desire out of control.

Al the good and bad egos are exactly that, they became egos because along the way somewhere, the value inherent in them lost balance.

Remember what is balanced is conscious. Consciousness is the wise and balanced synthesis of the two opposites and floats above them as a directing governing, organising principle keeping both sides in balance. To have lost balance is to have lost consciousness.


This can happen within ourselves with any value or virtue that we have. In both cases where we lose contact with reality and this value becomes unbalanced in us, we create an ego or fall on the side of the egos that already exist in us.

It always, always serves us well to be in touch with reality.

End (1939).

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