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Sunday 17 September 2017

Lost Your Way - Ask Yourself What You Really Want - (1955)

When Lost

When you feel low, a little lost, a little like things have become lose and disorderly and in general when things are not going so well or are difficult, ask yourself: "What do I really want?".

Ask as sincerely as you can, make contact with your essence and find out deep from within what you really want. 

Way Found...

In nearly all the cases you will find something of the essence itself - that is what you really want in summary, is the essence, or its qualities or values, or perhaps more of its qualities and values. For example, you find that in a conflictive situation deep down you want peace, you want harmony, you want to feel benevolent towards the other, in order words you may find deep down that you do not want bitterness, resentment, friction within you.

If that is the case, we have found our way again. We must go for what we want. Work for it. Pray to be guided on how to get it, and work and try and work. When we all really want something we get it somehow, sometime but we get it. No worries there! When enough heart and will is invested in the venture it will be made to happen no matter who you are or are not.


But in your questioning of want you really want, you may find something that we could think of as ego. Of course that is going to come as a disappointment, a shock, a scandal to ourselves. A mature person maybe shocked but in the next instant will begin to investigate, and investigate profoundly.

How can we as the essence, want the sleeping essence? Very strange. Could it be that we did not in the questioning of what we really want go deep enough so as to touch our essence and find out from our essence what we really want?

May be yes and maybe no.

Maybe Yes

It could be that we need to go deeper and find our essence through and behind that layer of egoical desire. But still it may not be that we need to go deeper, read on...

Maybe No

The answer is that within what it seems that the ego wants, is something that our essence wants. It is really a value, an ability, knowledge, wisdom, etc., that our essence wants through that physical thing or event that it seems that our ego wants.

So then we have to filter out the useless and get that value. It may be through the physical thing or event or it may not be, that is up to us to get it right or wrong or both but to eventually discern it that which is right.

The point of discernment all boils down to how we go about obtaining it and what we do with it when we obtain it. That is the big difference.

If you obtain it through white esoteric means (i.e the Divine Law and our inner Being) and we use it to further our work then this way we are going to get the value that the free essence wants from that thing or event. IF we don't do this we are not going to really get the value clearly and purely but mixed and even inverted.


Filter through what you find that you want and look for the value of the essence hidden inside that want and work to get it and develop it. That way you will get the maximum of that value that the essence wants.

Within every fantasy there is something that we lack and that we want, so then using discernment we need to stop fantasizing and work to get that value.

End (1955).

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