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Thursday 21 September 2017

Round Global Memory - (1969)

Need A Global Round Memory

The memory that can develop is a round memory or a global memory that encompasses all three realities as well as all three times: past, present and the future.

Make Your Memory Round

We tend to have a linear memory, not a round one. Time is round not linear. The future comes from the past, and the present is from the past and the present becomes the future, they are all join as in a circle.

If we know this, we will understand that our past is conditioning us and making us to behave the way we are right now, all because of what we are remembering. If we change what we remember we will change our present and our future also.

Unfortunately right now, we human beings don’t have this type of memory we have a memory very much like the one below!

Our Current Memory - Selective

Our memory is like this:
  • We remember the drama not the good result.
  • We remember the problem not the solution.
  • We remember all the smaller in number bad things of a person and not the greater in number good things.
  • We remember the mistakes and not the triumphs.
  • We only remember one aspect, the psychological or the physical, of an event but not all three at the same time.

Our memory in summary is very karmic. Developing the round and global memory helps us to change this karmic nature. I say karmic because it is a use of our memory that makes us to suffer and feel pain.

Our memory is such that we can chose to remember things that help us but instead we remember things that harm us and make us suffer.

Remedies – Making Our Memory Round and Global

If we have a positive selection of our memory, we can do away with resentment and many negative states that spring from remembering the negative things.

If we balance our memory with bad and then good things we will feel differently. If we remember the esoteric, the psychological and the physical of the events all together we will have a very different recall of the event and we will feel very differently.

Change what you remember! Chose to remember both positive and negative or just he affirmative or positive. Don’t chose to remember pain.

End (1969).

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