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Sunday 3 September 2017

Same Sex Marriage Plebiscite Vote in Australia - (1931)

General Rule

When one touches politics and religion one gets into trouble - always, and this issue here in Australia at the moment, is a contentious one that is a combination of the latter two plus various other human social considerations.

Better to be Quiet

I have opened my mouth about this, just voicing my option (different to my opinion – option is yes or no), and reflecting afterwards about the consequences of that, the best thing to have done would have been to have remained day dreaming, like: “what what, Oh I don’t know what to do, who knows…”.

There are esoteric considerations but in an open public sense where Gnosis is in some way represented, such as on this blog, it is best to be quiet. One maybe clear in oneself about what wants to do regarding this issue, though it is best I have found, to keep that to oneself and to one’s own vote.

One of course has the right to express their option and opinion, and it may be good for one to do this so as to see for oneself in a very real way, the collective process that humanity is undergoing.

The irreversible nature of humanity's passage through the Kali Yuga, is becoming more and more evident as the days go by. 

End (1931).

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