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Sunday 3 September 2017

When Treated Badly - Rebel Psychologically Against Feeling Low - (1929)

When Treated Badly

When we get treated harshly we tend to feel low and take on certain beliefs about ourselves. Beliefs that go along the lines of that we are not quite so valid and what we like and love is not really valid either.

We then take on an identity that we are less, little, hard done-by, unworthy, and not allowed to feel happy with ourselves or in ourselves. This is identification, this is to fall asleep and to forget the Being. This is to forgo the chance to remember the Being in us.

Rebel Against those Identities

As soon as we feel things such as the above, REBEL internally and don't accept those identities. Say to yourself: "No, No, No I am not those identities, truly dwelling in me is a Being that is of no identity, but is of consciousness and made from the fabric of happiness. These identities are not of It they are of a particular "I" that I don't have to adopt or assume!".

Remember the Being in you instead.

End (1929).

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