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Monday 30 October 2017

A Few Christic Characteristics - (2032)

Some Characteristics

There are I am sure many many characteristics to something that is infinite or almost infinite.

What I want to do in this post is touch on some of those more well known characteristics.

Holy Denying

The Second primary force is also the Christic force known as the Cosmic Christ. The second logic force is the Holy Denying. The first is the Holy affirming and the third is the holy concilliating.

This sounds a little strange at first, when we associate denying with the negative polarity. However reflecting upon that we understand it more.

What these three primary forces have in common is that they are all forces of life. They combine and create life. These three forces are different manifestations of life, or they express different qualities of life.

The Christic Force a Transformer

The Christic force we should not forget is the biggest transformer ever. It transforms through death and resurrection. The other forces transform through different means. But because the Christic force is the Holy denying it transforms through death. The First and Third Logos also transform us but through different means.

A seed that sprouts and turns into a seedling and later a fruit bearing tree is a Christic transformation. The rays of the sun cause the seed to die, only for it to be resurrected and for life to enter into it again but to take on a different life, the life of a tree.

The same thing happens in us with our transmutation and our psychological death. The sleeping condition of our essence dies for that essence to be freed and to take on a new life which is the life of a the Being.

Master Sameal said that you ever wishes to incarnate or work closely with the second Logos has to learn how to take with pleasure the negative manifestations of our fellowmen. In other words this means to learn how to transform negativity.


The Christic force is all about transformation through death and resurrection. It is also a saviour! It is the force that has been tasked with the mission of saving us, redeeming us, and that is largely due to its transforming characteristic.


The Christic force is certainly our saviour. Because we are so bad sometimes that we if it was not for the transforming quality of the Christic force we would be lost forever or never able to be considered to go back to the light.

End (2032).

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