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Wednesday 4 October 2017

A Little on Jealousy - (1978)

Two Points

In this post I want to introduce two characteristics of jealousy.

In the post (1979) that follows this one, I want to present a practical point of work that counteracts these two characteristics, and therefore helps in the dissolution of jealousy.

Starts with a Knock

Feeling jealous always starts alarmingly after we have been hurt, disappointed, tricked, disillusioned, jolted etc. etc.

Jealousy really only starts when a psychological debt exists.

It is very important to work upon balancing, resolving i.e. dissolving this debt. Seek compensation in comprehension rather in resentment and jealousy.

See, the complex of 'less' is inherent in jealousy.

Characteristic Feeling of Inferiority or Less

Carrying this debt inside inevitably leads to the very characteristic feeling of jealousy which is the feeling of ‘less’ or ‘inferior’. Where we feel low and angry at the same time.

The low feeling is mostly the feeling of ‘not quite being good enough and the other is better’, and the angry feeling is mostly the feeling of “they (the one we are jealous of) don’t deserve that affection, what have they (the one we are jealous of) done that is so good?, What is so good about them?, are they just trying to hurt me?”.


These are very critical points to address when working on jealousy. The next post (1979) gives a way to work the last characteristic – feeling less.

End (1978).

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