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Wednesday 25 October 2017

Can’t Help Someone Who Does not Want to Be Helped - (2024)

If You Try You Are Going to Suffer!

A golden rule here is that as soon as you see someone that does not want to be helped, take it easy and help a little less or simply give them the tools to help themselves so that when they feel like they want to help themselves they can!

Otherwise you end up suffering and going down a step or two with them and that is never fun! And in the end for nothing! You get all messed up and they wash their hands and leave.

I Know Love Love Love…

Ok yeah! What about love! One is free to take that risk, but make it a calculated risk, make sure the one that you are going to help shows some sign of promise. Because no Master, no God, no Buddha, No Christ can realise another person.

Not the redeemer role!

We are not a redeemer and playing the redeemer, though we think we can pull it off, it in all the cases that I have seen turns out to be a burden to heavy to cope with in the end.

Usually the redeemer tries to redeem someone of the opposite sex and deceives him or herself beautifully, thinking that it is love moving them to try and help the other person but it is really lust and when lust fails they are left without force and trip up falling over the one they tried to redeem or they wake up and drop the all of a sudden overwhelming heavy weight.

And besides if you stuff yourself up in the process that is not love, because you stuff up your Being and to do that is to not love your Being or to love God is it? And if we lack love for God darkness sooner or later creeps its way into our life! And there is no fun in that either only bitterness!

End (2024).

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