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Sunday 8 October 2017

The Determined Number of Beats of the Heart and Physical Death - (1988)

Wisdom within the Body

The physical body is so wise.

Within our instinctive centre is deposited the wisdom of millions of years life.

It is the superior side of nature, which is composed in part of those special divinities that watch over the life of human beings. It is them that have directed the many adaptations and changes that have been made to the human body over the centuries.

Compensation by the Heart

When a particular organ shuts down or begins to falter, the body compensates and engages another organ more actively to help keep the body going. In many cases, it is heart that takes up this role.

The heart when engaged by the instinctive centre to compensate beats quicker, and this has a very esoteric significance.

Final Say of the Heart

The heart always has the final say. Master Samael says that the life of each creature lasts as long as the time taken for that creature’s heart to beat a determined number of times.

The heart then stops as soon as the number of beats has reached this number. The role of the heart is to complete this number and to keep the body going even if in a comatose state until this number is complete or the Monad withdraws Its essence or an Angel of Death under the command of the Cosmic Mother and the Divine Law severs the silver chord separating the essence from the physical body.

A natural death may be when the heart reaches this number of beats.


As long as the essence is still in the physical body and connected ton it, the body is alive, in some state: a healthy, state, an unhealthy state, an ill state or a comatose state.

Death happens when the connection between essence and body is severed. This happens when the heart stops or when the heart can not compensate anymore for the failure of some function or for the failure of an organ.

End (1988).

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