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Friday 3 November 2017

How to Win the Trust of the Masters - (2049)

Hermetic Axiom: So Below As Above Win the Trust of Men then the those Above

What do you look for in a person that you want to trust? What is your criteria?

Basically we must start by living, embodying in the three brains (thought, feeling and action) the criteria that we look for in a person that we wish to trust.

Once we can be trusted by men then we can be trusted by those beings you are above us.

Here are some qualities that I think will inspire others to trust us.

Qualities for Trustworthiness

  • Honesty in general.
  • Honesty in the esoteric and psychological work.
  • Fulfil promises.
  • Predictable and reliable behaviour.
  • No event or impression can cause you to become hysteric or to loose control unreasonably.
  • Constant and steady always sticks to a line, none of this fickle, changeable and unreasonable egoic behaviour. One who is always the same.
  • Balanced in decision, perception and action.
  • Always consults the Being.
  • Always thinks, feels and acts with eh work, the path and the Being as reference points.
  • Is very constant in there psychological and esoteric work.


Basically I think that the elements of to be trusted are consistency and constancy in all areas and spheres of our life.

End (2049).

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