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Monday 6 November 2017

Mercy of the Divine Law - (2054)

Inspired By

This post comes from an insight from another very good Gnostic missionary.

The Mercy of the Law Resides in Preparing Us

The mercy of the Divine Law resides in waiting for us to become mature and ready enough to pay our karmic debts.

The delay or postpone our debts until we are mature enough in consciousness to be able to pay such debts in a more conscious way.

This is very merciful because in such a way we pay our debts consciously, with some pain but more importantly learning the lesson hidden within the payment of the karmic debts.

The lesson is always about becoming acutely aware of the consequences of such errors and to create within ourselves the conviction to not err in that way again.

To Erase our Karma is Mostly of No Help

If the Divine Law were to erase our karma they would not be helping us, because then we would not learn the very important lesson hidden within our karma, and we would make the same mistake again in the future and incur more karmic debt.


The Law is merciful with those who are awakening their consciousness, because they allow the Divine Law to be merciful. We have to yearn the mercy of the Law. Work, work and more work does this.

End (2054).

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