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Tuesday 7 November 2017

The Four Voices - (2057)


Gurdjieff said that when two people talk there are not two voices but actually four.

Two Out Loud and Two Inner

The four voices are the two out loud voices and the other two voices are the hidden voices of our subconscious.

Often our hidden voices, or internal voices or simply our subconscious contradicts our spoken, out loud voice.

Inner Voices - Subconscious

This subconscious voice often calculates, and plans to gets our hidden or vested interests to come to fruition.

It for example, protests and tries to find a way to express our protest in an acceptable way. That is our subconscious at work.

The inner voice is the realer voice. Why? Because our life is internal and that is where we really are, the real us is inside. That is why Master Samael said that what really counts is how we treat others inside of ourselves because that is the real treatment that we give to them.

End (2057).

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