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Wednesday 15 November 2017

With Self-Love We Protect a False Image - (2072)


Certainly, self-love gets mortified or perhaps irate when the image we are trying to project is not believed or is somehow broken in front of others and to ourselves.

This only happens when the image that we are trying to project is false.

Furthermore the suffering is terrible only when wee actually believe in that false image and have made it our identity base, or have inadvertently made it who we are.

It Hurts

It hurts because we have been believing that image to be what we are and when that image has been broken we feel that we are debased, broken, made invalid etc. and all of that is very painful stuff.

Radical Self-Acceptance

We can radically avoid this with self-acceptance. The more we accept ourselves consciously as we really are, good and bad, the less we allow false self-images to grow or become a base.

We may even have an image that we use in a particular relationship or in several relationships. We may even have several images that we use in several different relationships and when those images are broken, we can end up suffering quite intensely for a while. All because we were not accepting of our real nature and were instead projecting many false images that come crumbling down.

What is false always causes pain and always crumbles because it does not possess the solidity of the truth. That is how you know that you don’t have the truth, when it hurts!

End (2072).

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