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Monday 15 January 2018

Absolute Guarantee for Success: Embed Yourself in the Path - (2174)

By Reciprocity

If we embed ourselves in our Being and the path. That is, we give all that we have to the work of our Being and the path, we are going to receive the path as a reciprocal agreement.

My marvellous missionary has been saying lately, “if I accept the light may the light accept me!”.

The law of reciprocity works as all the laws do if one fulfils their conditions. One can trust completely in the Universal Laws. Universal Laws are constant they do not change as fickle human beings do.

To fulfil the condition of this law’s condition one has to give. How can we get something that we don’t want. Giving something shows that we want it, and giving more shows that we can get it and giving even more shows that we have merit to receive it.

Well we can receive something without wanting it. But that is because we have gained the merit for it from sometime in the past. What the Law wills is what our Being wills.

End (2174).

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