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Wednesday 24 January 2018

Giving Things the Right Proportion - (2203)

A Didactic to Wake Up

1.) Know that you are nothing that you have inside of yourself.

2.) Separate your attention from the subconscious.
3.) Focus your consciousness.
4.) Give everything the right proportion.
5.) Connect our consciousness to reality.
This post is about step 4.) – giving everything the right proportion.
There is really so much to see in this one step. It has really profound implications.
In fact, you will see that it is the cause of identification, and it is the precise point where we lose ground to the ego.
It is also the key to not identifying with some particular egos such as pride and lust.

What Does it Entail?

  • Taking impressions and events with the right value.
  • Taking impressions and events with the right centre of the human machine.
  • Assigning the right approach to deal with the impression and event.
  • Giving the right amount of attention to impressions and events.
  • Giving the right amount of energy to impressions and events.
  • Giving the right amount of time to impressions and events.
  • Giving the right amount of our word in the aspect of emphasis, content, vocabulary and tone.
  • The right feeling in dealing with impressions and events.
  • The right amount of effort in dealing with problems, issues, impressions and events.

Examples of what is not the Right Proportion

  • Getting identified. By definition to get identified is to give something space and time within us more than what is due or appropriate.
  • Spending hours to fix something for so little benefit.
  • Being a people pleaser.
  • Exaggerated words.
  • Taking criticism emotionally.
  • Getting angry.
  • Thinking and thinking when there is no solution.
  • Remembering the past.
  • Karmic relationships with people have as a recurrent characteristic: the wrong proportion in the majority of aspects in the relationship.
  • Giving a sensation importance.
  • Giving our dignity so much importance. Pride is about the wrong proportion. I am so much greater than you.
  • Lust is about the wrong proportion. We give fleeting beauty so much importance that what is due.
  • We expect the wrong proportion (that is over proportion) to be given to us in our favour.
  • Grovelling and being scared is to give things the wrong proportion.
  • Giving our pain so much that it stops our life.
  • Giving ourselves the wrong greater proportion when we do not co-operate with the environment. When we stand separate and do not integrate we are giving ourselves the wrong proportion of things. We are thinking we are more and better and that event is for those of a lesser quality etc.


All of the above examples are corrected or given the right proportion when we give things the right proportion first of all within ourselves.
Forgetting the Being, is giving things the wrong proportion. We in effect give something else the wrong proportion, that is more time, energy, attention than what is due to it.
In essence giving things the right proportion is about knowing objectively or in the light of the Being what is of higher value and then giving that the due importance.
End (2203).

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