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Saturday 6 January 2018

Pride about not Being Worried - (2153)

A Certain Pride

We have a certain facet of pride that does not like to show that one is worried, or even better it feels proud that we are not worried by certain issues, possible events or outcomes, certain people, threats, dangers etc.

This facet does not like that we are worried by these things and it does not like to show to others that these things worry us.

It is a facet of pride that has to do with our dignity or majesty. As it wishes that nothing can make an attempt at lowering its dignity or majesty. Furthermore it sees that to be worried is to be below something and so it sees that our dignity is lowered. 


Let's see though how we can actually work this facet. The first point of work is to know that this defect is actually hiding the truth from ourselves and others. One of the first steps to actually lose our dignity is to lie.

When we accept the truth then we can do something about it. Which in this case would be to work on the "I" that is behind us being worried and then with its gradual dissolution a certain new strength will come to us. This in turn is something that enhance us.

It is difficult to admit that something worries us, the reward of doing this are well worth it because it allows us the chance to overcome the worry and deal a direct blow to this facet of pride. 

My marvellous missionary said a week or two ago, that pride is finished when we accept justice. In this case justice comes in the form of the truth. 

End (2153).

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