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Tuesday 23 January 2018

Some lessons Learnt from Around the Home - (2198)

Dedication, Loyalty and Constancy Pay

Even though we already have a cat, this very constant and determined female cat for more than three years appeared at the back door meowing every morning and night. It has been relentless, everyday it has appeared there until eventually after many efforts to get rid of it, its loyalty and persistence in the face of constant rejection won our hearts and now days she gets fed more than she can eat everyday and receiving some kind words a scratch and pat or two.

The same applies for us, the qualities of dedication, constancy and loyalty open doors that to us were previously closed.

If a cat can do this with a power superior to it then we too can do the same with the Masters and the Being.

Happy Garden is Good for Mental Healing and Special for Runes and Meditation

Just that plants themselves exude a kind of radiation that is happy. Such radiations are so helpful for our mind and emotion to be in. To breather in air close to these happy plants is also very beneficial as that air is higher in prana.

You can make your plants happy giving them some attention, water and nutrients and they will repay you kindly with that special radiation of happiness.

Cats Have Self-Respect

Cats have their self-respect. They clean themselves, keep themselves in top condition and if they need help they will ask for it. Feed me they say, brush me they also say.

Cross their line of self-respect and they will let you know about it. First warning a meow, the second a growl and the third a good scratch.

We lack self-respect, we neglect ourselves, feed ourselves with rotten impressions, don’t ask for help when needed and allow people to go to far with us.

An Empty Couch in Excellent Condition in Front of the TV is a Good Sign

Why because that means you are not watching too much TV and you are doing other more productive things.

The Effects are not Always Obvious

This is cat food, yet if the cat does not eat it the local bob-tail goanna and some birds, namely the pigeons and the crows roll in for a snack. Then of course that has its consequences.

The crows call their mates and in doing so they make a racket in the process and drop bombs all over the patio and the roof of the neighbour’s. The neighbour hates the crow’s screeching away and plus their Italian and they are suspicious with anything that is black.

The pigeons when the crows are full and have flown away, do the same.

What at first seemed to be a good solution to do with the food that the cat doesn’t eat turned into problem. Some solutions can turn into problems forming a chain of problem-solution then problem then solution and so on.

Everything Needs Exercising and Results Need Discipline

If you don’t exercise things atrophy. The results of one session of exercise is never permanent. ION a week or two what was gained is lost. Only constancy triumphs over the constant atrophy of all things.
The vehicle of constancy is discipline.

This lesson applies to everything in life, most especially our spiritual work! More than ever actually!

Hit the Unpleasant While Hot

Leaving the washing of dishes until the morning is always harder to do then right after dinner.

Even if the lady of the house says: “Don’t worry about them I’ll do them tomorrow.”, even she does not want to wake up to dirty dishes. No one does.

The lesson is even though our mind says it will be easier to delaying the unpleasant the in reality the unpleasant is best dealt with in the moment that flows to it (i.e. after dinner) and not afterwards (i.e. the morning after).

A Light-Hearted Post

That was just a light hearted post to have some fun and to illustrate how we can if we observe and think only a little deeper than normal, how the small details of our life can teach us something.

It has been said: “that after meditating on a wall the Buddha stood up enlightened”. What does a wall have to offer? Well that is the beauty of the small details, to the consciousness they hide some significant insight.

End (2198).

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