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Friday 19 January 2018

The Flame of the Flame - (2189)


Our comprehension is elastic, we can read something one day and just not get it. But give another couple of months the same passage that made you feel confused comes alive and fills you with inspiration. Here is one of those for me this week.

What I understand is that the Christic force that abides everywhere in the universe is the spirit of fire. The special spiritual force of life that gives physical fire that we all know pretty well, its vitality, force, energy and great devouring and fusing power.


“The astral signature of the fire is what counts and that is the Chrestos.

If we strike a rock with sharp iron, we will see the sparks fly; this is the living fire.

It is the Logos, the Chrestos. The Chrestos is crucified in this great creation; it is the fire, the cosmic fire. Yet it is not the common and ordinary fire, but rather the fire of the fire, the flame of the flame, the astral signature of the fire. That fire incessantly burns within everything that is, within everything that has been, within everything that will be. It is INRI.

Much has been spoken about Christ, enormous volumes have been written trying to explain Christ, yet Gnosis explains it with four letters, which you can read here upon the top of that rough, wooden cross: I.N.R.I. That is the Christ. In other words, fire, solar fire, the fire that burns in all of creation.”
V.M Samael Aun Weor

End (2189).

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