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Friday 19 January 2018

The Question of Touch, Massage etc. - (2191)

Give Love when Love is Missed

Always the remedy to ill that we feel when we lack love or want love is to give what we lack to ourselves and others, and that love that we give ourselves and others returns to us in many other ways.

Question of Touch, Massage etc.

There is this common question that people ask, and it is about that of touch, massage in the practice of Alchemy and that of sensuality between the couple practicing the Alchemy.

People ask this question because they feel that they are missing that, they lack that and perhaps some may feel that they need it.

Obviously to feel that one needs that is something that warrants working on, becasue one will be alone one day and then the completeness of one's happiness will not be one's own, it will dependent on another person.

I am not saying here that touch massage etc. is wrong I am wanting to put forward a remedy that may be of use.

When someone lacks or needs that touch etc. what one may really be wanting is love, warmth etc.  sent to the body, where that love and warmth flows through touch or is perceived to be felt through touch. So instead of relying on another give that love to yourself, massage your own shoulder with love from yourself and transmute with love from yourself, allowing that love to enter your own body and then send love up to your own Being. That way you will fill yourself and your body with love and warmth. 

That love that you are going to use can take the form of gratitude and appreciation.

End (2191).

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