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Tuesday 9 January 2018

Use Justice to Dissolve Pride - (2159)

Pride is so much about Justice

I don’t know if you have realised this about pride, but justice is a central theme to the ego of pride and its branches such as self-love, self-importance and self-compassion.

It would be very intelligent for the one who wishes to dissolves this defect to investigate the relationship between justice and pride.

Don’t Believe they are Related? Well read this…

  1. Don’t we say: “how unfair, how wrong” when we are insulted or humiliated?
  2. When something is wrong or right isn’t it mostly so due to fair, unfair or justice, unjust?
  3. When we have done something wrong don’t we feel in our pride to be above justice?
  4. Don’t we feel that because it us we will be so lucky to get away with it.
  5. When we hurt others don’t we feel that they should not apply justice to us?
  6. Don’t we feel that we should always be treated better than we treat others?
  7. When we are not oved enough don’t we complain: “How unfair I have done this and that for you!”?
  8. When we are loved less don’t we appeal to justice to force more love to come to us? Don’t we say: “I have done this and that, I have been with you for years and you love me only this much!”?
  9. When our self-importance is hurt, don’t we say: “how can you love others more, I have done this and that and that is unfair that you love them at all!”?
Well the above points are only but a few, but I think enough for you to get the idea and hopefully enough for you to be inspired to investigate further for yourselves and therefore broaden deepen your comprehensions of the defect of pride.

Fear and Pride

We feel fear in many cases due to pride, because pride makes us to feel that we don’t deserve justice or that justice should not touch us. Fear is there to avoid us facing justice.

Fear wishes that we avoid anything harmful and possibly painful.

That is why fear is used by the Divine Law to make us to suffer, because within fear is some suspecting or knowing of the karma that we have and so it wishes like anything to avoid that.

Basically, we are scared of justice.

Really many times we can catch our fear being very worried about the justice that is going to come to us. It even feels that something bad will happen to us without us knowing or suspecting it.

Use Justice to Dissolve it

If we sincerely see in every manifestation where pride is present the aspect of justice and we accept it, especially when it does not favour us we can I truthfully tell you definitely modify in a positive way that pride wishing to manifest. Modify it in the way of making it weaker and less of an intense protester within our psychological house.


Look as objectively as possible for justice and accept it as fully as possible and notice the difference, observe the vehement protests of pride quieten down as your consciousness understands and sees what is just, fair and balanced within the issue and accepts any fault if there is one and wishes to pay for it to make it ‘good’ again.

In other words use the real justice to overcome and displace pride.

End (2159).

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