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Thursday 4 January 2018

We Lack Something if We Desire - (2148)

A Lack in Hiding

If you have a desire then looking deep into yourself will reveal the lack. Often what it is that we lack surprises us as to how it translates into that particularly bothering desire. As surprising as it is, that desire is there to compensate that lack.

Key: Find the Lack

The key is to find the lack. An emotional lack of some kind turns into or can turn into desires relating to other centres, such as the instinctive or sexual centres, that when active create emotions that compensate that emotional lack.
For example, a person who is bored, lonely and has been rejected could go to use the instinctive centre to eat or to the sexual centre to create emotions that supplant those lacks of being happy, fulfilled with purpose and accepted, approved of etc. Very standard psychological compensation. Though one would be surprised how we ignore that at times.

The Lack Could be…

The lack could be spirituality related. It could be that we are not giving to ourselves something that we need spiritually and so our psychological machinery finds a way to compensate. But that compensation uses the desire for something that can not fill the original lack.

Then that desire becomes insatiable. It is exactly like filling up our car with something other than petrol. The car's need for petrol will never be fulfilled, but only ever partly and the cycle will continue for the wrong fuel until the car breaks down, from using the wrong fuel.

End (2148).

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