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Saturday 20 January 2018

Work the Cause of Your Fall to Feel Very Safe - (2193)

Knowing the Cause

When one has found the egos that have caused one's fall and many of one's graver and gravest errors in this life, we must work on those egos.

As we repeat errors due to the Law of Recurrence the causes of the errors in this life are the same as the causes of the errors in previous lives.

Personal Advantage

The personal advantage of working on the egos that caused our fall in the past and the many errors of this life and therefore past lives is that a certain feeling of security comes to the person.

Makes Sense

This makes entire sense that one should feel this. Because as it is these egos that cause our fall and bring upon us all sort of misfortune and karma and distance us terribly far from our inner Being. So decreasing the strength of the causes of these errors brings a naturally as a consequence of doing this work a feeling of security as the possibility of falling, failing, committing errors is decreasing. 


By working on these egos one is also paying the karma that one accumulated with these egos and when there is less karma one can tread on sure foot as it is only our karma that makes things to go wrong, to turn sour, to become rotten etc.etc.

End (2193).

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