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Monday 5 February 2018

A Remedy for when we Can't Hold Self-Remembering - (2220)

Most of the Time It is Really Difficult

There are certainly times when our daily practice of being in the moment, self-remembering, state of alert novelty, state of self-observation or just the simple act of concentrating on what we are doing is really very difficult and we can only manage it for a few seconds.

This decrease in capacity really surprises us and makes us to feel a bit lost as to what is going on. One day we were doing well and then the next it is the opposite. However, as it is said there are remedies and remedies and there is a reason for why this is like that.

 Main Reason - Will Lost Focus

Obviously being in the moment, self-remembering etc. is a conscious and voluntary task and relies heavily on our own will.

The trick with will power is that we only have a little bit of it and the only way that it is effective when we only have a little bit of it, is by focusing it. As soon as we lose the focus of our will things fall apart.

So we have to guard the focus of our will and not allow too many 'desires' or 'wants' to enter us and use our will.

The key here is to stop and regain our 'want' to be in the moment, to self-observe and to self-remember.

Relax and Slow Down

Another trick is to as often as we remember it to slow down, breathe and go inside. This gives us some space and we need space to be in the moment, to self-remember etc.

The bigger we make the separation or space within us the more effective our renewed efforts of self-remembering will be.

Remember More Frequently

We become very forgetful and so then we easily forget to make the effort to be in the moment and self-remember so we need to remember more or use something that reminds us. Really any disturbance, negative emotion, disagreement, negative thought is the most natural reminder. But we can use other things such as post it notes and watch or phone alarms etc.

End (2220).

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