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Thursday 22 February 2018

Closest a Single Person can Get to Immortality - (2245)

The Essence is Immortal

First thing is first, our essence is immortal and on that level we are already immortal. All human beings are immortal on the level of essence and Monad.

Though the concerning issue is the immortality of the physical body, which is the type of immortality that the great masters of the past achieved such as Cogliostro, Count Saint Germain, Nicholas Flammel, Fulcanelli, Dante Allegeri, Babaji, Mataji etc.

Alas, that type of immortality is not for a single person. The completion of the Great Work is needed, implying many years of Alchemical work.

Then the Closest Is?

The closest a single person can get to this type of immortality is to have developed his or her essence and consciousness so much that they are given another chance in the next life to continue doing their work, finding all the conditions necessary to complete the Great Work.
The key factor is to work psychologically to develop the essence! To develop the essence means to free essence and awaken the freed essence.
If we are lacking in this work then there will be a break in the continuation of our work from one life to the next. With little free and awakened essence we will pass to the next life, making many mistakes with the egos that we have and then find the work and start again from almost zero.
End (2245).

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