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Tuesday 27 February 2018

Individuality in Gnosis - (2254)

Clarification of Terms

In Gnosis when the word individual is used, it is used to refer an inner state. Not to a person who physically stands alone.

It is more about a person who within him or herself, that is, within their own psychology, they are an individual. Meaning that their essence stands alone, separate from their egos, and to find someone like this, is a rare find.

Such a person has a sufficient enough degree of development of his or her consciousness so to be able to decide and act independently of any "I”. It does not refer to being a loner, or distant and separate from people. But to have our consciousness isolated and separate from the various “I’s” that we may have.

In More Detail

In Gnosis, individuality begins to be created within a person when the same person is separate or independent from the various interests, desires, impulses from the various “I’s” that the person has, as well as the patterns of thinking and feeling created by customs, traditions and society.

Just the Beginning 

Individuality is achieved by degrees. The above is the beginning and we may say that individuality begins when a person has moved their centre of gravity from their personality to their essence. This is called the creation of the permanent centre of gravity and it is also known as the fabrication of the psychological moon.

Individuality is deepened and increases when the person fabricates the golden embryo and it develops further as the golden embryo fuses with the human soul and the other parts of the Being are incarnated.

The Path is Individual

Yes the path is individual to the degree that we each have our particular psychology bringing with us our particular strengths, weaknesses and karma. Making the tests and circumstances of our path different.

None the less the principles and laws of the path are the same for all but the path being individual does not mean that those who walk on the path must cut contact or have little to do with those who are also treading the path. It is not a reason to be isolated from everyone else.

End (2254).

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