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Wednesday 28 February 2018

Limbo and Speleologists - (2257)

Stuck in Limbo

The word ‘limbo’ in common usage means ‘to be in between’ or ‘stuck’, and it usually implies having to wait.

Esoterically this is true, though there is much more to it than that. This post attempts to present what Gnosis reveals about Limbo and why it may be relevant to us.

A Region

Limbo is a real physical location as well as an internal dimension. Which sounds strange doesn’t it, how could Limbo be both a physical region and an internal dimension at the same time? Well read on…

Both Dante and Master Samael locate Limbo in the first Dantean circle or the first infra-dimension of the planet Earth. 

What we mean by infra-dimension is that within the planet Earth there are particular layers to the inferior side of its psychology. Yes that’s right I just said that the planet has a psychology. The planet Earth also has it superior dimensions which are the various layers to the superior side of its psychology.

I say psychology because what Dante and Master Samael describe in relation to the Dantean circles or infra-dimensions are really that each circle or dimension has a particular psychological characteristic, which is the opposite in nature of what each heavenly sphere has as a psychological characteristic.

It is just the same as us, that within the deep levels of our mind dwell the very negative and dark sides of our psychology which produce very low states of consciousness, and within our superior dimensions we have the positive degrees of our psychology which are and also support higher and freer states of consciousness.

In Limbo

Master Samael describes limbo as the region (same as Dante Alighieri) that is the very first or outer most region of the planet Earth’s abyss. 

Master Samael describes it as the region that accommodates very virtuous, honest, kind and noble souls. He also describes it as a region where there is not too much suffering. There are only sighs rather than cries, great lament and the gnashing of teeth. They sigh Master Samael says because they live in constant desire with no hope. Maybe their desire is for the spirit? He did not specify.

He said those souls that are there did not sin and had even “acquired many merits and virtues, beauty and innocence”. 

He said though that they are there because they did not work in the Arcanum A.Z.F or in other words the Alchemy or sexual magic (supra-sexuality).

Master Samael says that the work with the spermatic waters of life is what is needed to enter the superior regions (heavens) of the Earth. There are many virtuous people in Limbo, though because they have not created the solar bodies before they have to remain there after their physical death.

This is the place where our loved ones (the ones not working Gnostically) will most likely go to when they die. It does not sound to be such a bad place. Certainly in relativity, much better than the Dantean circles that lie below.

Caves and Speleologists

Master Samael said that all the caves in the world make up a network and this network makes up limbo or the first region of the Earth’s infra-dimensions.

Speleologists are those that study, explore and specialize in the knowledge about caves. Some very spectacular caves have been discovered and studied fully, yet there are so many that are a mystery because they extend for so long and it is not known still how long they actually extend for.

There are even many underground caves that are filled with water and they are even more mysterious. All these caves have a reason to exist, just as do the rivers, mountains, lakes etc. all have their special reason for being part of the planet's anatomy.

Even though they are always in a cave the speleologists may not see the deceased souls living there. They may though if they are sensitive enough be able to perceive the general atmosphere of the cave which will link into the feeling and atmosphere of Limbo or of the first region of the Earth's abyss or infra-dimensions.

Perhaps if the speleologist were to drift off to sleep he or she may notice something different in the air and catch a glimpse internally of some of those souls in Limbo.

This is the only region that overlaps with a physical region. According to Master Samael there are caves in which one can walk for days, they even link continents, passing underneath the great oceans. 

End (2257).

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