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Wednesday 7 February 2018

Number 22: “The Crown of Life” - (2222)


Because this is post number 2222, I thought that I would post something from Master Samael about the number 22, which is always a favourable number in any way that it may appear to us.

Excerpt from “Tarot and Kabbalah”

“Gnosis teaches three steps through which every one that works in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan has to pass through. These are:

1.             Purification
2.             Illumination
3.             Perfection

It happens that curious people who enter into our Gnostic studies want immediate Illumination, astral projection, clairvoyance, practical magic etc., and when they do not achieve this, they leave immediately.

No one can achieve Illumination without having been previously purified. Only those that have achieved purification, and sanctity can enter into the Hall of Illumination.  There are also many students that enter into our studies just for pure curiosity. They want to be wise immediately. Paul of Tarsus said, "We speak wisdom among them that are perfect", (Corinthians I, 26). Only those who achieve the third step are perfect. Only among them can Divine Wisdom be spoken of.

In the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, among the occult Masons, the three steps of the path were:

1.             Apprentice
2.             Companion
3.             Master

The candidate would remain in the degree of apprentice for seven years, and sometimes even more.  Only when the Hierophants were completely sure of the purification and sanctity of the candidate could he or she then pass to the second step.

Really, only after seven years of being an apprentice Illumination commences.

The Crown of Life is our resplendent Dragon of Wisdom, our Internal Christ.

The Holy Trinity emanates from the Ain Soph, the Interior Atomic Star that always smiles to us.

1 (Monad) + 3 (Trinity) = 4 (Tetragrammaton)

The twenty-second Arcanum added Qabbalistically gives us:
2 + 2 = 4 (Tetragrammaton)

The result is the Holy Four, the mysterious Tetragrammaton; the Yod-He-Vau-He; man, woman, fire and water; man, woman, phallus and uterus.  Now we comprehend why the twenty-second Arcanum is the Crown of Life.”


Master Samael explains it all very beautifully there as to why the number 22 is the crown of life and the end of the Great Work, the final triumph.

The most important point in that excerpt for us to go away with is that, we need to purify ourselves first and foremost. Which means mystical death. How we have to die psychologically! Then we can await new stages. All focus and efforts of death is what we must try to do.

End (2222).

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