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Sunday 11 February 2018

Time Worn Process of Going from Hurt to Love - (2228)

The Typical Process but we Can do Better

It goes like this. Something happens and we feel really hurt and disappointed. A day or two later we realise that we don't feel anything of love towards that person. We feel as if the connection that we had has worn away or somehow been cut loose.

Hit Back

We then start to get hit back. We become very uncooperative, arrogant, sarcastic, ironic, ill-willed towards them. In short we inflict the pain that they caused us. 

Pain is Caused

Finally we find out that we are causing them pain and that they have become worn down (defeated)  by it all and as soon as our system feels compensated, in that we have inflicted upon them the same amount and quality as the pain that was apparently inflicted upon us, we then inflict a little bit more pain and then having done that little bit extra we start to feel remorse.

Remorse and a Spark

Through that remorse we then begin to put them into our heart. And then a spark of something new begins to grow within us towards them.

This process is a little mechanical and from my experience can within the person that works avoided. We have to bear it in others but within ourselves where we are in control we can work so as to not go through this drawn out, mechanical and karmic process.

This is a process of compensation built into our system. This works in any human being quite well, however it takes its time. The more love and essence the person has free the quicker this process takes.

Key and Conclusion

The key here is to work before hand to put people in your heart and to always treat them well within you. When an offence or a hurt is apparently inflicted upon us, understand the plurality of the "I". In that the ego in the other person is not personal, it is an "I" in them that is hurt and an "I" in us that is hurt and they will come around via this universal process of balancing the scale within them. In the meanwhile accept that they have to hit back at you and know that that process will end and while that is going one we have to see them as an essence and treat them well in our mind and heart and work to put them into our heart.

End (2228).

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