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Monday 26 March 2018

Lesson from the Test of Earth – (2298)

Difficult Situations

The test of Earth has a very practical and useful lesson for life and the path.
It says that when we are before a difficult situation in life or in our spiritual work, the way to approach it is with firm resolve to work hard.
Such a resolve must be firm just like Earth is, otherwise we will find ourselves getting overwhelmed and anxious.

Firm Resolution

Just taking that firm resolution sends back many “I’s” of fear that worry and panic.
The way to approach and get through difficult situations and mountains of work is to tackle it with the firm resolution to work hard.
Just try it when in front of difficult task to do or a difficult situation invoke your firmness of resolution and watch what happens inside of you. You will see that the panic, the fear, the feelings of being overwhelmed subside.
This is what the element of Earth teaches and as does the elemental trial of Earth.
We certainly need this in our work. The work is many times about taking firm resolutions.
End (2298).

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