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Saturday 10 March 2018

Separation Opens the Door for Us to Mortally Wound the Ego - (2278)

A Gift…

Because you had the special insight that you are not the ego that bothers you, and that that ego is something totally separate from you can now begin to really die in that ego.

Before that moment of separation arose in you, you were like hitting yourself rather than hitting it, and secretly finding that ego as something impossible, and as something that you were secretly resigning yourself to live with, even though you knew it would be very difficult to do so.

Separation comes to us as a gift, almost as a grace from our own consciousness.

Armed with Separation

Armed with the insight of separation you know that you are definitely not it. You see that you are no longer weak, you do not have something wrong with you, you are not weird, you don’t have a complex, an issue, a problem, a phobia, a trauma, a special condition, You just have an ego that is weak, weird, problematic, weird, scared, crazy, stupid, needy, etc. etc. You as the free essence are none of those things.

We see that we are the essence that is perfectly at peace, complete and fine without that ego and that it does not need that ego and it can function in that area of life in a much better way!

Then we can die in that ego, and make it die in us while we feel completely happy and fulfilled in doing so.

First Step

The first step then to take that ego down (as the Americans say) is to stop feeding it!

You can do this because you don’t need it and you don’t feel that you need to buy into its thoughts anymore.

You don’t suffer it is the one that suffers. You can separate that suffering from yourself now.

Second Step

The second step would be to increase the separation and understanding of that ego.

Third Step

Third Step is with the Divine Mother, asking her to break open the capsule (mental form) which contains and conditions a piece of our essence.

She hits that capsule when we ask her to do so and sparks of essence are at times liberated. That is why after praying to the Divine Mother and chanting KRIM we suddenly naturally understand more about that ego and feel so much better.

End (2278).

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