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Wednesday 28 March 2018

Serenity – (2302)

Yet Another Precious Value

There within our essence is a value which we call serenity. In fact serenity is something that is within our Being. Our Being among many other vibrations, such as force, can emanate a profound serenity.
If we are still internally. If our mind is quiet we can begin to enter into the serenity that resides within.
This serenity is deeply nourishing and renewing for our soul and for our mind and body.
Serenity is also a formidable tool to combat any “I” as well as the rebellious mind.

Bons of Tibet

Master Samael in 1976, Mexico during an informal talk with some students spoke about the Bons of Tibet. He related that when a candidate was ready for initiation they would perform a special magical ritual which materialised the various “I’s” of the person. He said that the “I’s” of the person torture and end up killing the poor person, and very few are the ones that survive this ordeal.
Master Samael to conclude his intervention about the Bons, said that the key to pass through this ordeal is serenity.

Serenity when Facing the “I”

When we practice being serene we can really feel that serenity is a tremendous tool to help us when facing any “I” within ourselves as well as when we are embroiled in difficult circumstances.
When an ego bothers us, it is serenity that creates a buffer in us between our free essence and the ego. The more serene we are the greater this buffer is.
When serene we can see the thoughts arising and the peaceful inertia present in serenity keeps us in our position of being an observer.
The key for separation and for so many tumultuous circumstances of life is serenity. It has many of the characteristics of the element of earth in it, such as inertia which you may have seen in the paragraphs above.

Imagine a Great Lake

Imagine a very still large body of water, such as a great lake. Be like that serene lake. Embrace the inertia of that serenity that impedes from identifying with thoughts or leaving our calm state.
It is so helpful to us to cultivate serenity.
We can cultivate it at any moment in life. Actually we cultivate it much more efficiently while facing the various bothering, difficult and disturbing circumstances of life. We too can practice in meditation.
To conclude when there is separation from the mind or the “I” there is serenity.
Psychological separation, psychological inertia and calmness go hand in hand with serenity.
End (2302).

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