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Wednesday 7 March 2018

The Two Cups - (2270)


Esotericism speaks about the cup of forgetfulness and the cup of remembrance.
This post is a little about each cup.

Cup of Forgetfulness

This is the cup it is said that one drinks from when one falls spiritually.
When one falls, one’s consciousness falls asleep and with that, disappears one’s esoteric memory. One forgets about one’s Being, one forgets about one’s values and ethics, one forgets one’s past lives, one forgets even who one is (an essence).

Improved Post

Click here to read a new post containing much more information about these two cups.

Cup of Remembrance

The law of duality applies nicely here. Where the cup of remembrance is the opposite of the cup of forgetfulness.
One is said to drink from the cup of remembrance when one awakens one’s consciousness once again. Then one knows one’s Being, one knows profoundly one’s own consciousness and one remembers their past lives.

Drink of the Cup of Forgetfulness in Relation to the Ego

There are stages in the work on the ego where we really need to forget the ego altogether. Not so that we stop working on it but because just thinking about it and remembering it we strengthen it and we can be responsible for bringing back to life something that was made dead.
End (2270).

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