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Friday 9 March 2018

Want Separation from an Ego? Try this! - (2275)


A previous post described 'psychological separation', now what is needed to make this topic more complete, is to present a way or a few different ways through which somebody can separate from the ego they wish to gain some separation from.

Arrival of Separation

Separation is basically a deeper understanding of the plurality of the "I" in relation to the "I" that we are concerned with.

Separation occurs when the consciousness realises that the ego that bothers it, is not itself and it sees that ego as having an agenda, a function and a use of the three brains that are not of it, that it is, that the ego’s will, mind, emotion and action do not belong it but rather to another entity living within our psyche. It may even feel like a complete other (usually strong) person is living within us, and that is precisely when a determination arises within us to do whatever it takes to finish off that psychological person within us.
Separation can arrive in due course as a result of one’s continued efforts to understand that ego or it can be arrived at with efforts focused on gaining separation. This posit is about the latter.

Say it and Do it

When that ego appears, say firmly to yourself: “Those thoughts do not belong to me, they are not of my essence, or of my consciousness, or of my Being! That desire is its agenda! That suffering is its suffering! My essence, my consciousness does not suffer for such a thing! I am not that psychological person!”.
Repeat and repeat the above with strength. Trying each time that you say it with the intention of driving a wedge in between you as the free essence and it - the ego.
See it as an intruder in your psychological house. See yourself as the invisible body of awareness that observes, witnesses and is the stage upon which it unfolds its processes, but you are not those processes!
You are not that ego’s needs, or lacks or desires or fantasies. They all belong to it! And with the work you are going to make those things weaker and weaker until they wither and dry up.
There is nothing wrong with you as essence. Say that to yourself many times and whatever it throws at you from inside you, know or say to yourself: “I am not it, I am essence and that as essence I am happy and content without desire and those needs are not mine. Those thoughts are its thoughts. Those feelings are its feelings.”


Then with some separation working within you it is the best moment ever to invoke your Divine Mother (RAM-IO, O AO KARKOFF NAKONSA etc.) and hit it with the mantra KRIM!

This way, that ego mate, is on its way out!
End (2275).

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