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Sunday 11 March 2018

We Don’t Look for Causes, Only Effects – Practical Ramifications - (2281)

The Question…

The problem with us human beings is that we only look for effects.
Someone may say that’s right, results is what counts here. And in many ways they are right. However when it comes to the psychological work, if we really want to change we have to look at causes.
There are two principles at play here. They are: one - that the causes for what we think, feel and say are within us, not outside of us, and two – that changing the cause changes the effects.
Let’s have a look at a few rough examples.

The Drinker

A man is about to go to a bar and drink, he thinks: it’s a hot day, nice cold drinks, friends, conversation, laughter and enjoyment – a good night out. Seeing those effects of what he is about to do, off he goes to the bar and drinks.

But what about if he were to look at the causes? He would certainly see a very different side to the projected pleasant things (they seem pleasant but turn bitter quickly) that he saw earlier. He will see the gluttony to drink to excess, escapism, an inner weakness of not being able to control his inner states and use alcohol and friends instead produce the illusion of control over his emotions, his lust that looks and talks at the bar, etc.
If he were to honestly see the causes which are mostly ugly looking, he would think twice and read a book or meditate instead.

The Adulterer

Imagine a person toying with the idea of adultery. If they focus on effects they may do it. If they were to honestly see the causes that are inside of them they wouldn’t it. Because those causes are ugly. And seeing those very ugly causes one can then only see very awful consequences. But if one just focuses on projected effects one remains blind to the consequences. 


Look for the causes and this will change everything. Once you see the causes you can then change the causes and then change the effects. Our life’s circumstances and happenings within the events of our lives are all within the realm of effects. So changing causes within us changes these mentioned effects. To change causes we first of all must look for causes.
End (2281).

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