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Friday 23 March 2018

Why the 7 is Triumph - (2293)

The number 7 is triumph because 7 is 3 plus 4. Which means the three, the Ethical triangle, Atman, Buddhi, Manas is in control of the four which are the four bodies of sin. 

The three and the four are united into one unit - the seven. When this happens, that is the three is in charge of the four there is triumph and success.

Master Samael says that the Being in us, which is Atman is a triumph-er. When the three and the four are united producing seven there is triumph.

So if we want triumph in the big picture or in any endevour small or great, the sure way to come by it, is to unite the whole of our inner septuple constitution into it.

End (2293).

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