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Friday 6 April 2018

About Merits –Ordered and Organised Notes – (2315)


Merits are a special quantity. A special value that makes us deserving or worthy of some reward or some through passage.
In esotericism, merits are typically seen in terms of reward and progression. In human terms, merits can mean both reward or punishment. For example, “his callous actions merit punishment”.
Merits are similar to dharma or cosmic capital but they are not strictly dharma. Included in merits there is always dharma, however merits are a touch more. They are an envelope that contains dharma and certain values of the essence or Being.

About the Nature of Merits

Merits are partially invisible. To understand this point ask yourself do you know how much merits you have or how much cosmic capital you have? The answer is that we don’t really know.
One knows how much merits one has or one lacks through negotiation.
There are general merits are merits relative to something, for example merits in relation to awakening the kundalini.
There are merits of the heart, merits of the five centres, merits of the consciousness, etc.

The Monad and Merits

Do all Monads have the same merit?
Answer: No. Monads who have achieved the self-realisation are different in terms of merit to those who have not realized themselves.
Trick Question - Are all Monads created equal, that is with equal merits?
Answer: No. Because the Monad is not created the Monad has always been and will always be. Merits are a matter of voluntary and conscious works.

Merits and Time

If we have merits it is because they were created in the past. All merits come from present and past works and are stored within us here and now.
Merits remain within us to be used for the future.
Merits can also be lost.
Misconduct, specifically conduct that breaks the ethics that uphold the value of merits causes those same merits to be lost within a person.

Merits are Earnt, Won, Fabricated…Not Given

The issue of inherent merits is too difficult to answer. Merits within our essence and within our Being are mostly invisible to us.
When we are permitted to see, merits are symbolised by rings, jewels, vestments, treasures, coins made of precious metals, swords, precious stones, etc.
Merits are created by the consciousness.
Merits are a matter of conscious and voluntary works.

Money and Merits, Merits and the Path

The money that a person has, is largely an expression of the person’s cosmic capital and merit. However, there are merits of life and there are merits of the path.
Merits of the path are not usually shown in the physical money that we have.

The Benefits or Use of Merits

Merits heal us.
Merits allow us passage into higher octaves of the work and path.
Merits pay for light.
Merits allow us physical vitality.
Merits allow us knowledge.
Merits allow us to marry the right person for our esoteric work.
Merits allow us to die psychologically.
Our merits can heal others and be used to help others.
Merits allow us a happy physical death and one that is conscious or more conscious than mechanical.
The merits of purity, tenderness, kindness, love allow us to work magically with the elementals of nature.

Best Way to Earn Merits

Any work that we do that has a positive result earns us merits. Helping others earns much merit.
Spiritual work is the highest currency to earn merits with.
Transforming oneself is the best way to yearn the most merits.
Our Being is the greatest treasure. Anything that enhances the Being, that is brings our Being forward in us earns the highest merits.
Any practice earns us capital and merit.
The greater the sacrifice the great the merits.

Karma and Merits

Many times the merits we have pays our karma allows us to negotiate with the Divine Law regarding our karmic debts.
There are however, karmic debts that no matter the quantity of merits and dharma that we have we must pay that karma. It simply cannot be negotiated.


We need to fabricate merits. Merits are best fabricated by working on our psychological death. With merits we can progress in our work and achieve and acquire all that we need to complete our work and wish to know, be or possess.
Work in the three factors to totally maximise your chances of earning merits.
End (2315).

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