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Thursday 12 April 2018

Before Retiring to Rest at Night – Imagine an Angel Singing – (2325)

Brief Preparation

It is always good to go to rest having done some preparation. This is so that our psyche is in a good state, and is further away, as much as possible from the influences of the egos.  
With our psyche in this state, our essence can be more in control of what we end up doing in the astral and this can turn out to be very helpful.

Imagine an Angel Singing

Have you ever seen and heard an angel singing? Even just for the briefest of moments?
Imagine yourself to be somewhere, you don’t really know where, all that you feel is that you are far, remotely far away from your body, perhaps somewhere within the internal atmosphere of the Earth or perhaps somewhere in our solar system, perhaps not… But what matters it seems, is what you have been brought before and what is now in front of you…
There before you, floating a few inches above what is the ground is an angel. Not like the angels you see in Christmas cards, or in books but a real one.

A vestment adorned with strange symbols. A holy being in front of you, that bears soft, clear eyes that show no malice, nor ill-intent nor do they hide anything., but a smile pure and so generous.
The angel begins to sing, starting with only a melody that is peaceful and like haunting at the same time that makes you think of the profound, vast and mysterious silence that was present in the beginning of creation.
What forces stir in those lungs, as the angel begins sing with words, again words unknown to the mind, yet words that are symbols in the air, and something in you registers those symbols. It is like the angel’s lungs and voice have tapped into the forces that swirl and intermingle in the beginning of creation.
All that you are now is vibration, vibrating ecstatically from head to toe in the atmosphere, it is like now you are the air that holds the vibration of the Angel’s singing. Then you are not anyone anymore, but only love for the cosmos expanding…, joy overflowing and the essence of gratitude…


What I wanted to say with this post is that when we sleep at night we can prepare ourselves so that we can go to places in the astral where we can pass through certain experiences that will feed our essence, and therefore help us in our work.
Before sleeping at night we can do certain things that can prepare us and make the possibility of us passing through such experiences more likely.
If we quieten our mind and then inspire ourselves with something that really touches our essence then we are the prepared in the best possible way.
So do you know what really touches your essence? What really touches your essence is what provokes in you superior emotion!
End (2325).

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