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Wednesday 4 April 2018

Biased Against those whom we don’t Know – (2308)

Mental Representations

So many times we meet people that develop a negative attitude against someone that they don’t know, all because a friend speaks negatively about them.
People allow themselves to take on this negative attitude towards that person whom they do not know out of loyalty to their friend, and this may seem to be ok in the moment but down the track this can present an interesting shift of events. Which this post will describe.
When we create a negative attitude towards someone it is because before doing that we created a negative mental representation of that person.
There is no guarantee that our mental representations agree with reality. To beware and not create any mental representations is the more awakened way to go.
We can't put a table in our head but we puit a mental representaton
of a table in our mind instead.

The Shift

To assume a negative attitude towards someone whom you do not know or know well, is an unconscious mechanical psychological action.
Before forming any concept or attitude towards someone, one should get to know the person, meet them and interact with them at the very least.
Gnosis always says that direct experience is to know, and to know is to begin to be conscious.
I stress this point, because what happens so very often is that when people create within their mind a certain bias against someone that they do not know, or know well, they begin to do this with others and they create a bad psychological habit of so easily creating mental representations based on what other people say. So much so that they can easily change their attitudes at the drop of a hat.
For instance, they may have seen a person in a positive light but because a friend says something negative about that person they bias their attitude to be negative, before even their friend finishes speaking.


Don’t be a person who easily creates mental representations of others from what others say about a person.
I say this because such people can not really be trusted because they will change the way that they see you in the near future. All because they are not are not accepting within themselves the need to be more conscious in dealing with the mental representations that their own mind creates for them.
To start to question our mental representations and dissolve them with the help of the Divine Mother is the way to deal with them.
End (2308).

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