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Monday 30 April 2018

Impressions and New Egos Created - (2355)


Imagine a person who has dissolved the ego. Their subconscious is empty and clear. So when they receive an impression it resounds terribly in their psychology.
Imagine a coin falling into an empty well. That coin when it hits the bottom will make a lot of noise. The sound of the coin hitting the sides and bottom of the well will actually reverberate all the way through the well.
This is the case of someone without an ego.

Subconscious Full

For a person with a lot of ego, their subconscious is full of things and so an impression that is received, does not cause that much harm or goes after a few minutes unnoticed. Note, if the impression is very strong, certainly it can cause great harm, ego or no ego, subconscious or no subconscious.
A person with no ego has to be very alert all of the time to not object or protest because that will create an ego once again.
In a person with no ego, the consciousness is in charge of taking everything that is received. If something is taken wrongly by the mind the consciousness will inform the person to correct that as quickly as possible. Because it is the consciousness deeming it to be taken in the wrong way.


When we are insensitive to impressions it could mean that we already in our psychology have so many accumulated impressions that these new impressions don’t make a difference. Or it could be that our consciousness is very active and we transform impressions on the spot. If this were the case we would certainly know it. Anyway until then if it is that we come to notice that the impressions have a much stronger effect on us than ever before, I think that we can take that as a good sign, meaning that our work is cleaning out our subconscious.
End (2355).

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