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Wednesday 18 April 2018

Keeping the Consciousness Active? – (2336)

At Work

People dislike work because people who are working feel that they lose their consciousness. Indeed they are right if one is not careful. However no one is going to come along and say to you: “I’ll pay all your bills so that you don’t have to work physically.” Will they you have to work so that you can eat and pay rent.
So then, a way around it is to use your consciousness to the degree needed to perform your physical work.
This way you will keep your consciousness active and stop it from atrophying and falling asleep.
You will also perform your work better than before and you will save tonnes of energy.
You will also feel that you are not losing yourself.
You will also develop the ability to use your consciousness more in any circumstance.

But Remember

The key to using your consciousness is to relax and make your mind and personality passive. This is the key that master Samael repeated many times.
So while at work, do not get tense or stress but relax and focus on your consciousness and let it flow out with what you have to do.
End (2336).

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