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Friday 6 April 2018

Lifestyle is Determinant – Changing it has Far Reaching Effects – (2313)


Recently I just completed a one year probation period where if I was to accrue one demerit point from a traffic offence I would lose my driver’s license for 6 months. Which would be something that I honestly could not afford.
During that year I had to be very alert while driving, however what I learnt was that just being alert and careful while driving was easy do once a made some changes in my life style and changed some habits.
It was surprising to see that when I changed my lifestyle and these bad habits it was so much easier to be alert and careful while driving. It was like the right lifestyle and the right habits support a person to be alert and careful.

Lesson Learnt

What I noticed during that year can be extended into many different areas of life and the work on ourselves, with the principal point being that if we create the right way of life and establish the right habits we can help ourselves enormously in following an esoteric discipline and in working on some egos.
In fact our bad habits and lifestyle can feed an ego so much so, that we can’t dissolve it if we don’t change our lifestyle and certain habits.
When the ego becomes bigger and stronger, it ends up going from being a habit to a way of life.

What Lifestyle Best for Death and Awakening?

Simple is best!

A lifestyle that is clear of many unnecessary activities is very good. A lifestyle that is not so busy and does not require you to be rushing from one engagement to the other is very helpful.
A way of life that is organised and coherent, honest and upright where everything is above board is a very good and solid base for the work. A life style that lacks some of these elements becomes an impediment to our inner work.

Examples of How Lifestyle Feeds the Ego

Life style is the way we live our life basically. The main components of our life are activities, people and circumstances. Our life style is the way we relate to and manage these three things.
There is a life style where people go out all the time, another one is where people stay at home most of the time and there is another life style where people work as much as they can. There are lifestyles and lifestyles; there are privileged ones and ones without privilege etc.
If one is at home all the time such a lifestyle strengthens selfishness and perhaps gluttony. Going out all the time strengthens laziness and the tendency to avoid introspection as well as perhaps strengthening lust depending where we go and who we go with. A privileged lifestyle makes us proud and arrogant. An unprivileged lifestyle can make us resentful and self-compassionate.


Changing habits and our lifestyle is very important for death and awakening and doing so will help immensely in our efforts in the work of the death of the ego and in awakening.
Changing habits and our lifestyle is something that we must fundamentally do before we can really work seriously on our awakening and dying seriously in the ego.
If anything, a review of our habits and lifestyle is very illuminating and is a good practice to do.
End (2313).

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