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Thursday 5 April 2018

The Oscillation in the Depth of Prayer – (2311)


At times prayer to our interior divinity is of such a help, and at other times it feels mechanical.
It may well be that when prayer is like a life-line for us, it is because we are in need of connection to our interior Divinity.
When we pray we blow on smouldering embers within us. Our prayer enlivens those embers and causes them to heat up and radiate their warmth within us.
It is this warmth from these special embers, that heals us and makes prayer effective within us.
It is like that through prayer we activate within us what we need. At times, we may start our prayer feeling that we need to be guided by our interior Divinity, and it is true that we need guidance. While we pray we express how we need to be closer to our Being and feel Its guidance and in doing this we actually approach our inner Being.

Through the Being is the Almighty

When we pray it is really the Being in us praying, nourishing itself from itself. Activating inside of Itself what it needs, which is also what we need. This is in many ways is what is called to receive from the Being. The Being in within us and so It is that It gives to itself and we are part of that ‘Itself’.
Our inner Being is connected to the Absolute to the Almighty, and through our Being we can receive help from the almighty for what we need in life and in our esoteric work.


When we have this need our prayer has depth and when that need is filled, prayer can become mechanical, because what we require is present and vibrating within us. Perhaps then a different form of prayer is needed, such as action, psychological work, meditation, mantralisation etc.
End (2311).

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