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Thursday 3 May 2018

Sexuality is a Line of Force that Boomerangs - (2364)

A Powerful Force

Sexuality is a powerful force that is simply put, a line of force. It is exactly like a vector, if you ever studied Physics once upon a time at school.

This line of force which is sexuality has an origin and it powerfully drives towards a destination. The origin of this vector is the source of life – our Being or the Being and its destination is Malcuth.

As we would expect from a powerful line of force, the force of sexuality makes a strong impact Malcuth. Upon this impact is decided the next path that this line of force will follow back to its eternal destination.

The eternal destination of the line of force of sexuality is always and will always be in this Mahamanvantara anyway, its very own source.

Depending on Malcuth

Depending on Malcuth, or rather how prepared the vessel in Malcuth is (that is how prepared the human being is) the next direction in which that line of force will follow is determined.

If the line of force is absorbed by the sleeping essence that line of force will continue downwards. If that line of force is absorbed by the consciousness that line of force will be directed upwards to follow the same path through which it descended.

In either way, continuing forward or back tracking, that line of force heads towards, and eventually reaches its source, its origin, which is the Being.

That line of force which is sexuality, ultimately forms a circle. In other words, it is a boomerang, it is thrown and it returns to its point of departure

It is thrown by the Being and returns to the Being via a passage either through the abyss or by hitting Malcuth and being transmuted and sent back up to him through the heavens until eventually the person finishes the Great Work and unifies the sexual energy completely with the Being.

The path is really governed by the boomerang flight of the sexual energy. Once the sexual energy returns to the Being the path is complete. So within the intelligence of the sexual energy are the instructions to follow to return back to the Being.

How amazing right, within it is contained the wisdom to return to the Being. Just as within the sexual energy is deposited all the wisdom to create another human being. In other words the sexual energy is much wiser than us. So when we transmute we bring that wisdom into our brain.

An Intelligence within

The sexual energy is an intelligent force, that has an in-built homing device. It knows its way home and it drives itself in that direction, either through the abyss or through the heavens. If we pay attention to this force we will receive the information and the instructions on what to do assist it in its trajectory back to the Being.

When we pay the utmost attention to it and interpret those signals in light of the principles of the work and the consciousness we can receive the guidance that we need to go back and evermore closer to the Being in us.

To do this though we need to learn from pour sexual energy and we do this by paying the most careful and subtlest attention to it. If we do this it will reveal to us its ethics, its guidance and its wisdom. 

There are so many values in the the large value of the sexual energy.


Once the sexual force hits us here in Malcuth, the physical world it becomes a direct line. A direct line that either takes us back to its origin which is also our origin – the Being, either through the second death in the abyss or by creating more egos or through the heavens dissolving the ego.

The sexual energy is the Alpha and Omega. It sets the beginning of the path and sets its end. When the sexual energy fuses once again with its origin – the Being, the Great Work and the path are sealed as complete.

End (2364).

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