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Friday 18 May 2018

The Blood of the Being and the Blood of the Bodies – (2395)


This post comes from the tomes called “Quinto Evangelio” which is the title given to a compilation of transcriptions of Master Samael’s talks and lectures.

Humbledzoin the Blood of the Kedsjano (Astral Body)

Master Samael says that the internal bodies have flesh and blood, just as does our physical body.
He says that the blood of the astral body has a name which is Humbledzoin.

He says that the blood of our body is elaborated and strengthened with the food that we eat and the liquids that we drink. He says that the blood of the astral body is also elaborated, and also needs to be strengthened and nourished. However the blood of the astral body, the Humbledzoin is nourished and strengthened by different the substances.

These substances that form and also strengthen the Humbledzoin come from the solar system, they are the substances of astrochemistry Master Samael says. He says that enter into us via our breathing and though the pores of our skin, and once they have netered into us they form the blood of the astral body the Humbledzoin.

He says that the Humbledzoin is not from Adam, the astral body has flesh and blood but it does not come from Adam as the physical body does.

Blood of the Sacred Anskoano (Mental Body)

Master says that the mental body, which allows us objective reason, also has its blood. The mental body is called the Sacred Anskoano. He says that the Humbledzoin of the mental body is an octave higher in development than the Humbledzoin of the astral body.

The Sacred Ayasakadana – Blood of the Being

He says that there is the causal body which gives us the ability to determine circumstances, and it is called the Egoaitoorasiana of the Being. He says that this body also has its blood called the Sacred Ayasackadana.

The Sacred Ayasakadana is the Humbledzoin of the Being which is different to the Humbledzoin of the astral and mental bodies. This is because the astral and mental bodies are not the Being but the human soul is the being and it is in the causal body. So the Humbledzoin of the causal body is the Humbledzoin of the Being.

Master Samael says that the Humbledzoin of the Being comes from the Sacred Sun Absolute. He says that this blood of the causal body is made and strengthened through and by contemplation, meditation and prayer. He says that these activities create vibrations in us that form the Sacred Ayasakadana – the blood of the causal body.

End (2395).

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