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Sunday 13 May 2018

What are the Bodies Then? - (2380)

Partly a Mystery

Being honest they are a little bit of a mystery. However, using the esoteric axiom: “as above so below” we can get a better idea.

With our physical body, we certainly know what it is, what it is for and why we have it. We know partly how it works but certainly not fully.

So if we can answer these questions about the physical body we can answer the same questions regarding the bodies.

But before we develop this line of explanation further we must stress the following point.

The bodies are voluntary and conscious fabrications. Meaning that they have to be crystallised by the person who wishes to possess them. This also tell us that if we have to fabricate them it means that not everybody has them by default.

Voluntary Fabrications – Possible Septuple Constitution of Man

The first point here to make, is a discovery that Master Samael made. Initially, he believed that all human beings have seven bodies. He thought this because he certainly had an astral body and knew how to use it, and also because Theosophy taught that all human beings have these bodies.

Master Samael spent some time while being a teenager in the schools of Theosophy and through those schools he became acquainted with Theosophiocal body of knowledge. He later realised that not all human beings have the bodies, and that the bodies must be fabricated. However, it is certainly true that human beings have seven dimensions, only that not all human beings have bodies residing in those dimensions.

Back to the Point of ‘What’ and ‘Why’


We have the bodies for a reason, and we have a physical body for a reason as well. One of the major reasons why we have a physical is to have life in this dimension. So the bodies allow us to have life in those different dimensions as well.

Interaction – Acquire Wisdom

Our physical body allows us the opportunity to interact with life on the physical plane and therefore through that interaction, we can learn and acquire wisdom. With the chance to interact or relate we can not be able to learn from anything. To learn we always require interaction. We interact with a book by opening it. If we can not open a book there is no way that we can read it and learn form it.

The physical body allows us to learn from life here in the physical world, and so the ‘bodies’ allows us to learn from the life that is present there in other dimensions. Each dimension has different properties, laws and a nature and so having a body there in those dimensions allows us the chance to learn the other facets, aspects and mysteries of life that are present in those dimensions.

The esoteric teachings say that there are seven cosmoses or seven worlds and each world has its unique number of laws. There are 48 laws here in the physical world and 24 laws in the astral world, 12 in the mental world and 6 in the causal world, Buddhic and Atmic worlds. Each of these laws are different which give those dimensions different natures and provide us with chances for new and more learning.

Virtue of the Being

We also have a physical body by virtue of our inner Being. Our physical body with its three brains allows our inner Being the chance to be able to work on itself so to realize itself, and provide a temple here in the physical world upon which our inner Being can manifest itself in and through.

Our physical body is a temple that in the very best of cases, allows our inner Being to officiate in and move in. However, mostly the essence of the Being is in our physical body and through our essence our inner Being can influence our three brains so to move our body into action that will benefit others and benefit the growth of our inner Being. Your inner Being was the one that brought to the spiritual teachings and school that you are currently enjoying.

Then the ‘bodies’ allow our inner Being to work in those dimensions, to continue forward in Its work of realization and to also allow our inner Being to operate in those dimensions and fulfill certain missions there in those dimensions for the life that is present there, and for humanity down there. Yes Beings can work up there so to help us down here.

Much of what is done in the higher dimensions cascades down to the physical dimension. Things here in this dimension can only be made possible until the possibility of it has not been open up there before.

Covers all of Creation

The bodies allow the Being to cover all of the regions of creation. There is quite an interesting point here in that Binah, Chochmah and Kether do not have bodies assigned to them. There are some reasons as to why that is, which will be presented in a later post.


Also in the life that we have here physically we know that there is a karmic element to it. So a body of course is a chance for our inner Being to cancel karma.

The ‘bodies’ the astral, mental and causal are not karmic in that with them we do not suffer as we do with the physical because they are immortal bodies. We will talk about that later on, in consequent posts.

Conclusion and Prelude to the Next Post

The above explanations are rather simplistic and philosophical and are not complete. The next post is more practical and presents explanations in more practical detail as to the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of the bodies.

End (2380).

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