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Thursday 17 May 2018

Where are Your Bodies Right Now? – (2393)

Drifting Around or Here and Now?

Are the bodies floating around the Astral, Mental or Causal worlds without a driver, as empty vessels? Or with you right now? Which possibility seems more correct?

The answer is that they are with you right now.

The proof of this is in the practice of astral projection. When practicing projecting into the astral we leave our physical body with our essence housed in the astral body. It is like the astral body projects or unfolds out of our physical body.

In other words our astral body unfolds out of our physical body. Our astral body is not called to us from the Moon, Venus or some other place, for us to transfer our consciousness into, it comes from within our interior.

Here and Now

The same applies with the mental and causal bodies. However, the point to not forget is that these bodies are within our astral, mental and causal dimensions right here and now.

If we have the bodies, the egos are housed in the bodies and so when a person gets angry the ego of anger comes out here and now, meaning that the bodies are not far away they are within us.

Also Master Samael says that if we have the mental body we can reason objectively in our physical life, and if we have the causal body we can use it to determine circumstances in our physical life. This means to be able to do this we must have these bodies actively working for us here and now in our internal dimensions.

End (2393).

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