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Friday 8 June 2018

A Cosmic Night Occurs in Stages and in a Chain of World by World – (2405)


I always thought that a huge cosmic bell would sound and then the whole cosmos would then start following the cosmic shut down procedure, marking the end of the cosmic day and the start of the cosmic night.

From the retreat I learn that this is certainly the wrong idea.

The Way It Happens

What I learnt, and this is backed up from Master Samael; is that a cosmic night is processed solar system by solar system. Meaning that a cosmic night extends itself over on solar system at a time. If you imagine the cosmic night as a dark zone, we would see a queue of solar systems approaching that zone, where one solar system from the queue moves into that zone, followed by another and then another.

If the cosmic night descends over a solar system one at a time, the cosmic day is also processed solar system by solar system.

There are several solar systems in a galaxy and a galaxy does not as a whole enter a cosmic night. Perhaps also it could mean that a galaxy as whole never enters a cosmic night as there will be within some solar systems that are in a cosmic and some that are not.

Why It Is That Way

It has to be this way so to allow each solar system to have their own time to fulfil their cosmic day fully. For example a karmic planet like the planet Earth has to have a different time frame to complete its cosmic day than a planet that does not have the karma that the Earth has. It even makes sense that the planets within a solar system do not all enter into a cosmic night at the same time, either. It makes sense to say that each planet within a solar system also enters into a cosmic night one by one.

As above so below. Human beings enter their night (die physically) one at a time, not all together. If all human beings were to die at once, then there would be no one to take care of them and help them while they are dying and there would be no one to bury them, mourn them and tidy up afterwards.

If we were all born at the same time who would be there to raise us? We wouldn’t make it past a few days old, we would all die.

Concluding Points

You may read something and not understand what it really means until it is explained to you.

Our solar system and our planet Earth has its own time scale and life time and that is exactly the time frame that our future is constrained to, unless we move to another planet that is.

End (2405).

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